

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Under the Blacklight

After tweeting away my boredom this late afternoon, I saw Kim Kardashian tweet something about her younger sister Kendall Jenner having a music video debut. I thought, damn that girl must be doing a lot more than just looking pretty, she actually has a singing career now! But, I was wrong. She appears in One Call's music video for their song "Blacklight." You can see her for a few seconds at 2:05, and then there's a flash of her face that lasts about a millisecond at 4:11, and that's it. Nothing special. But I'm glad that the "proud-big-sister-like-oh-my-freaking-gosh!" Kim tweeted this video, because I quite like it. Not only is it a catchy song and is making me bop up and down while sitting on my bed, but it totally makes me want to call up a bunch of friends and have a blacklight party.


  1. will you check out my blog? It's new and i need followers!
    Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Haha! You are soooo funny. I just love your little rendition of Kim's big sister-ness. And I will totally have to check out the video, as I have not seen it!! AND I WOULD JUST LIKE TO have changed the name of your blog more times that I can keep up with, girl!! And your twitter!!! Do I still get your tweets? Am I still following your blog? You are hard to keep tabs on these days! LOL. Hope you are well :)

    Sending smiles!!


  3. haha i tried finding her in the video before, but i didnt see her until you pointed out where to find it--thanks;)

  4. Silvia, now following!

    Jenna, god don't even get me started! Haha yes I've changed my name on here like a thousand times but I swear, this one is staying! I have no idea if you're still following! On twitter, I'm @theaimeeshow. Hope you're well also! <3

    Kaleido, haha no problem! I was surprised she wasn't in more of the video because she was the only other person I recognized, but I guess not.

  5. I loved this! how much fun! I can't believe she got some flack for it being too sexy i thought it was fun and fab! And yes, bring on a black light party!
    xox tash

  6. Tash, I know right? She is literally just smiling and standing there, kinda swaying to the music.
    Thanks for visiting! :)

  7. sounds great!xx

  8. really cool blog!
    I really enjoy reading your posts!

  9. Oh haha I saw that tweet too - thanks for uploading the video.

  10. never heard of this song!

    Cheers, B & Liv
    B L I V B O O K: darling&diva ♥

  11. great post.

  12. Thank you everyone for commenting! Makes me feel ohhh so loved :) Glad you liked this post.


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