

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pint Sized Fashion

Suri Cruise must be the best dressed little girl in the country! Her fashion choices are so adorably chic. I'll bet she actually picks out her own outfits, as well. With the money her family has, her little closet must be freaking amazing! I would have loved to be a little girl and have the options this little one has.

*All photos courtesy of weheartit

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  1. I love watching this little girl grow up (although I hate it at the same time, because if she's growing up, so am I...and I don't want to!). She's gorgeous and IS really well dressed.

  2. But don't you think there's something wrong with this. I mean, letting a 5 year old wear heels? She's already learning from a young age that to be a girl means to be pretty and having the best clothes. I hope they're teaching her more fundamental values along with this!

  3. she will def be either a model or an actress... or possibly a designer !

  4. shes so cute, very lucky little girl xx

  5. she is the most beautiful little girl ever!

  6. she's a splitting image of her mother!
    she's sooo adorable :)
    stop by sometime, xx natalie

  7. She is so adorable! Cutest little thing, and yeah she does look exactly like her mom.

  8. Thanks for the comments, all! I think she is the most adorable kiddy in show biz at the moment. She's so cute!

    Em, I think it's the same way that we'd all play dress up all the time around the house when we were younger. We'd try on our mother's heels and walk around the room tipping over. I don't think it's wrong, per say, because she's just having fun! I certainly hoping they're teaching her fundamental values as well, but for right now, I think she's just having a ball being a little girl!

  9. i couldn't agree more. i dream about running into this kid someday. she's awesome!!

  10. i am so jealous of her! shes going to grow up to be so beautiful. booo damn child xx

  11. I love Suri too!:D

    Beautiful kid and amazing wardrobe.;D

    ***** Marie *****

  12. Omg, so cute!! I like the outfit in the 3rd picture! :)


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