

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Closet Collage

Please tell me you've heard of Closet College. Please?

Well if you haven't, shame on you. But alas, I'm here to tell you all about Jessie Cohen and her spectacular site. Jessie creates fab inspiration through her collages. She takes the latest runway looks, red carpet and celebrity styles, find finds her own background piece by piece, and morphs it all into pure amazingess. Find out more about her in the little interview I cured up with Jessie.

Your collages are very inspiring! How long have you been creating collages?
Thank you! I've been collaging since I was about 8 or 9 but I just started my blog in October. Its one year anniversary is coming up! I collaged everything, whether it was school notebooks, birthday cards, clipboards at camp, or my bedroom walls.

Have they always been fashion-based?
I've always loved fashion so I used a lot of images from fashion magazines. The collages were fashion-based but not on purpose. I only started the runway tie-in when I started my blog.

What is your schedule like throughout the day?
I'm a college student and I have a part time job so my days can get very hectic! I go to class, then to work, and then go home to collage and do homework. If it's closer to the weekend I'll go out for dinner with my friends or stop by an event which is always fun. But during the day I'm running around a lot.

What is your dream career?
I've always wanted to work at a magazine. Right now I'm interning as much as possible to get hands on experience.

Who or what do you look to for style inspiration?
Everything! Movies, music, TV shows, magazine editorials, internet videos, blogs, you name it. You never know when or where you'll discover something new.

How do you describe your personal style?
I would describe my personal style as classic with a twist. I'm drawn to neutrals like white, navy, and black, and half of my wardrobe is striped tops. To make it more interesting I like mixing in something fun or unexpected. I just got a pair of leopard slippers that I wear with everything! It's those little details that I love the most.

You have been chosen to attend NYFW courtesy of Tumblr (super exciting!). How else has your blog gotten you noticed?
I can't wait! Tumblr has been the hugest supporter of my blog and added me to the Spotlight section of the fashion directory when it launched earlier this summer. That was a big moment. And over the summer it was featured on Stylecaster and most recently Fashionista, which I couldn't be more thrilled about! I love the work I share on my blog but it's such a treat to find out that other people like it too. The support has been overwhelmingly positive, it's really exciting!

Now feast your eyes on some of my favorite pieces of her work.

Photos via Closet Collage

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