Thursday, March 3, 2011

Weekend Challenge

I've been super lazy lately. I see so much going on around me and it all makes me feel unproductive. So this weekend, being that I forgot to call in and tell my boss I'd be around to work (oops), I'm going to take a stab at some cute DIY projects. I'm hoping that I will not only feel productive by the end of Sunday, but I'll have some cute new bracelets (my new obsession) to wear!

First up: Woven Chain Bracelet

Second: Braided Hex Nut Bracelet

Third: Satin Cord Bracelet

So hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have some lovely, colorful new bracelets to show you all! Wish me luck.

*Photos courtesy of Honestly WTF and PS I Made This

PS. I just purchased this cable knit sweater from Decades Past... how cute?!

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